Mercury Retrograde – Dos and Don’ts

Mercury retrograde is back and causing its usual havoc. I often am asked what’s okay to do on a retrograde. Here is an abbreviated list of do’s and don’ts for the retrograde.

Haircut — if you’re going for your regular haircut having it during a retrograde is perfectly fine. But if you’re looking for a new hairstyle wait until the retrograde is complete or you may be back to the hairdresser for some hair repair.

Car Oil change — while most the time we try to avoid all auto repairs on the retrograde doing something that is repeated multiple times a year is usually safe on a retrograde. (However I will tell you my personal experience of taking my car in for an oil change on a retrograde and the repair man accidentally knocked the side mirror off when he was moving the car from the bay to the parking lot, now I wait until after the retrograde even for the oil change).

Starting a diet — this is actually one of the best things to do on a retrograde. If you can continue good eating habits for the three weeks of the retrograde then you will find that even if during the subsequent months your diet reverts to unhealthy eating you will feel compelled to start those good eating habits again on the next retrograde. This works for exercise too.

Buying a house — signing contracts in general is not wise during a retrograde, so much can go wrong and there can be so much change of heart. So if you are looking to put a house under contract try to avoid doing this during the retrograde. However if you started the process before the retrograde and the actual signing of the final contracts happens during the retrograde you may be okay as long as you have duplicate copies made of all paperwork and you read contracts carefully before signing.

Buying furniture — is usually okay to buy furniture, clothing or jewelry during Mercury retrograde. Although ideally buy items that you can return.

Buying a computer — I generally recommend against buying a computer during Mercury retrograde unless you are a graduate of a tech school or a high level wizard, there is just too many things that can go wrong. Try to hold off on buying any new technology (this includes your smart phone and IPad) until after Mercury goes direct.

Changing jobs — it is difficult to end something on the retrograde unless the process was started much earlier on a previous retrograde. Usually the retrograde indicates there is unfinished business which prevents easy endings. However if you’ve tried to quit before or came close to quitting the retrograde may signal completing that energy, allowing you to leave your job finally. New jobs found during the retrograde are not necessarily stable and if at all possible try to begin new jobs after Mercury goes direct.

Contacting old friends and lovers — Mercury retrograde is the ideal time to reach back into the past and contact someone you been thinking of. It is also the most likely time they will contact you.

If you have a specific question about Mercury Retrograde please let me know. There is a great booklet on Mercury Retrograde by Diane Ronngren, click here for the link.

About Donna Stellhorn

Donna Stellhorn helps people read the map of their future, gain deep insight into who they are and helps them create personal spaces that support their goals.
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17 Responses to Mercury Retrograde – Dos and Don’ts

  1. MS says:

    Can i replace roof of my house during mercury retrograde?

    • In an ideal world you would wait until after Mercury goes direct on April 4th. If you must do it now make sure the roofers have a guarantee so you can call them back when the roof leaks on a future retrograde.

  2. Maria says:

    I was thinking about buying a couple of domain names that have to do with a web project that I started before retrograde. Would that be a bad thing?

    • Hi Maria, You can purchase domain names during Mercury retrograde however you may find that you want to make a second purchase of additional names or variations of the name either during the current retrograde or the next retrograde.

      And if you want Astrological timing help on your new business just let me know and we can set up a Skype or phone consultation.

  3. Susan says:

    I wish to purchase a fridge, does it matter if I am invoiced for this during mercury retrograde or if I pay for it during the retrograde? Sometimes you have to get in by a due date or you miss out on the bargain ! 🙂
    Also, my daughter signed a lease agreement during the retrograde. Had a look at the house and they wanted her to sign that day !

    • Hi Susan, I know we all love a bargain but if you can avoid buying a frig on the retrograde that would be best. If you have to buy now make sure they have a generous return policy. I had a client who last year bought a refrigerator on the retrograde and when it arrived it didn’t fit in the space (off by half an inch). Fortunately they took it back and delivered a new one at no extra charge.

      As to your daughter, she will find that she wants to move or they ask her to move on a future retrograde (which could be in a year). If she wants to stay in her next place long term then try not to sign on the retrograde.

      If you want to know more, I do consultations by phone or Skype. Just let me know if you want details.

      • Susan says:

        Thank you Donna for your quick reply. 🙂
        Would you regard receiving the invoice as buying or would it be ok if I wait until the 4th to pay for fridge?

      • Hi Susan, “Buying” is when you have committed to purchase. So the whole time you’re doing frig research, lingering in the store, or checking them out online is not buying but once there’s an invoice involved you’ve committed. And Mercury retrograde can then affect the deal. I hope it all works out.

  4. Tamara says:

    Hi Donna,
    I wanted to know if it’s a good idea to go back to an old barbershop to get a haircut even if I don’t use the same barber as before? I’m thinking maybe I should wait until the retrograde is over? Thanks for this blog.

    • Hi Tamara, Because we repeat haircuts often they can be done during the retrograde even with a different barber (as long as they’re out of the same shop) however if you’re thinking of changing your hairstyle or hair color wait until Mercury goes direct or else you may be disappointed on how you look when you get out of the barber’s chair.

  5. FooBarBaz says:

    What about cash purchases of used items?

    For instance I am interested in purchasing a small used boat motor (that I plan on being able to repair if/when necessary). Does MercR apply if I don’t plan on needing to use a return option?

    This is the last day of MercR in Leo, in about 12 hours it will go into post-shadow direct.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Also, in case it matters, my natal sun/mercury/venus are Gemini(7th house), my Midheaven is virgo (jupiter, saturn, pluto in midheaven) and Leo is 17 Leo 9th house

    • Mercury causes us to repeat so in buying the motor during the retrograde (and since there was only a few hours left perhaps you waited) you may find that either 1. the motor you bought doesn’t work and you have to get another one or 2. you find yourself needing another motor even for a different project in November during the next Mercury Retrograde. So in cases where you can wait, it’s just best to wait. Let me know how it turns out.

  6. Dana says:

    Hi Donna,
    I’m looking for a new hair stylist for cut and color. I know from your article I shouldn’t have anything done during Mercury in retrograde, but what about during the shadow period? Also, is it O.K. to get consultations with the stylist during the retrograde period?

    • Hi Dana, When we have something done regularly like a hair cut or color every month then having it done during the retrograde sometimes can’t be avoided. One of my clients just went in for her regular color treatment and true to Mercury Retrograde, the color didn’t take, and the stylist had to do it over. But if we want a new style or color then we want to avoid the retrograde as it can bring regrets. With the shadow period the period before the retrograde is more problematic than the period after. The period before will be crossed by Mercury again and again, the after period will not. So at least wait until Mercury is direct and then you should be fine.

  7. Sandi says:

    Thank you for all this great information. When does this retrograde end?

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